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Bill Pickett, the great African American cowboy, was admitted to the Rodeo Hall of Fame. Bill Pickett, the great African American cowboy, was admitted to the Rodeo Hall of Fame.

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Q: When did the national cowboy hall of fame and the national finals rodeo give away ten Winchester model 94's?
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Related questions

When was Winchester model 94 Cowboy commemorative serial number 27989 manufactured?

Winchester made the cowboy commemorative rifles in the year 1970.

What is the price of a Winchester model 94 cowboy commemorative rifle?

Unfired, as new, in box, $500-$550.

What is the value of a nickel plated Winchester cowboy commemorative model 94?

10-500 USD or so

What is the serial number range for Winchester model 94 Cowboy Commemorative?

the serial number range of the cowboy commemorative rifle is CB-1 thru CB-27549.

What is the age and value of a Winchester model 1894 30 30 cowboy commorative serial?

The Winchester commorative cowboy carbine dates to the year 1970.The value of a carbine unfired(new in the box) is 750 dollars.It will be much less if fired,and no box.

Where can you find information about a Daisy BB gun labeled made for Sears and Roebucks Model Winchester 73 Patent?

Daisy made about 50 thousand of the "Winchester 73" model ( it's really a Cowboy 1894) BB Rifle for Sears from 1969-73.

Sears model 200 is what Winchester model?

Winchester Model 1200

What is a Winchester Model 70?

A Winchester Model 70 is a rifle.

What is the age of Winchester Model 42 15503?

Your Winchester model 42 was made by Winchester in 1935.

Is there acompany that manufactures a rifle that fires a45LC?

Yes there is.I personally have a marlin model 1894 cowboy ltd.that is chambered for the .45 colt cartridge.A few that come to mind is the rossi lever action carbine,the marlin model 1894,some Winchester model 1894 carbines,original Winchester model 1892 lever action carbines etc.With the revival of the cowboy action matches at gun ranges across the country gun makers are making more and more firearms that fire the .45 colt cartridge.

Will a barrel from a Model 1200 Winchester interchange with a Model 1500 Winchester?


What is the value of a Winchester model 30aw?

Winchester did not make a Model 30