The NBA schedules the games by a computer.
In the 1998 NBA finals 62 games were played.
When game starts you will see the lakers logo and the magic logo from there press one go to quarter length and change it to amount of minutes you like.
there is no order
nba today updates your rosters and shows you what games are coming on that day
Better for advertising and money
The NBA changed the first round to best of 7 in 2003.
in the screen where you decide quarter lengths where it says NBA change it to random an Chan ge games from 82 to 58 to 29.
The NBA schedules the games by a computer.
I believe you change it through settings in a season. Play Now lets you do it right before the game
82 games in 1 NBA season
There are 82 games in an NBA regular season.
In the nba finals, it is best of 7 games. -Bboy
The typical NBA basketball season lasts 82 games for 9 months. The college season lasts about 6 months and the teams play from 24 to 32 games.
The First Round of the NBA Playoffs was changed from best-of-5 to best-of-7 before the 2003 playoffs. The 2002 playoffs was the last time there was best-of-5.
48 minutes.
There are too many NBA rules to take in. I recommend watch a lot of NBA games and play a lot of NBA basketball video games such as 2K.