Lou Gehrig attended Commerce High School in 1917 and graduated in 1921.
Lou Gehrig excelled at baseball, football and soccer when he attended Commerce High School.
Lou Gehrig played Baseball, football and soccer while attending Commerce High School.
Lou Gehrig attended Columbia University in New York for two years.
No. Lou Gehrig was of German descent.
lou gehrig
Lou Gehrig went to Commerce High School and Columbia University for college.
Because Lou Gehrig died before middle school was invented, Lou Gehrig didn't attend middle school. According to Wikipedia, Lou Gehrig attended two schools in Manhattan: PS 132 and Commerce High School. For the grades that are now called Middle School (the term only dates back to the 1950s; Lou Gehrig died in 1941), he would have attended PS 132 for 5th through 8th grades and Commerce High for 9th grade.
Lou Gehrig excelled at baseball, football and soccer when he attended Commerce High School.
Lou Gehrig played Baseball, football and soccer while attending Commerce High School.
In 1920, Lou Gehrig was attending Commerce High School. He graduated in 1921.
Lou Gehrig attended PS 132 and then Commerce High School. Later, he attended Columbia University for two years.
New York Yankee super star Lou Gehrig attended the New York City high school called High School of Commerce.
Lou Gehrig never missed a day of school.
Lou Gehrig attended Columbia University in New York for two years.
Lou Gehrig was still in high school in 1920. He played his first game for the Yankees in 1923 and his first full season with the Yankees was 1925.