He worked as a janitor and he also marched in the union rights with martin Luther king junior
Martin of Leon died on 1203-01-12.
Martin de Leon died in 1833 in Victoria Texas.
Secondary tillage is any tilling don after primary tillage and is undertaken forreducing ped size,weed control,incorporation of fertilizers,puddling andleveling soil surface.
Leon Walter Tillage lived in Raleigh, North Carolina.
North Carillina
Leon Mr.Johnson Dad Mom
hes dead he died October 5 2011
He worked as a janitor and he also marched in the union rights with martin Luther king junior
on his 15th birthday his father was killed by two drunk drivers. They ran over him twice and by the time he got out there his father had a big hole in his head so you can tell he was dead.
Walter DeLeon's birth name is De Leon, Walter Raymond.
Jethro Tull was father of tillage.
Walter Sammons die in1973
Leon Brogden died in 2000.
Leon Chwistek died in 1944.