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it came to North America then Asia then Africa then Europe then South America

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Q: When did Basketball begin to grow and spread worldwide?
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Can i grow my hide by playing basketball?

yes, u can grow your height by playing basketball. mostly, u must have seen people who play basketball are tall and fit. this is because basketball includes jumps.

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A malignant tumor requires a blood supply and nutrients to grow and spread.

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THey will grow whenever you begin puberty.

Can i grow my height by playing basketball?

Though it might seem like playing basketball helps you grow taller since most basketball players are tall, that is not the case. Playing basketball does not affect your height any more then any other sport activity.

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Early Spring is when they begin to grow.

What condition helps to spread diseases?

A diseases is only spreadable if it is contagious, meaning it can be caught by others. The most common way to spread a contagious disease process is by contact with the pathogens themselves, most likely buy getting them on our hands then touching our mouths or eyes or an open area of our skin, which allows the pathogens to enter our bodies and begin to grow. Another way to spread a disease is by breathing it in. If someone coughs and a droplet is breathed into our mouths and lungs the pathogen can begin to grow in our lungs, and possibly spread from there. If we wash our hands frequently, and keep our hands away from open areas of our bodies, we are much less likely to catch a contagious disease.

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We should grow plants and tress that is the way to spread greenery .

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fire spread is the rate of time and area a fire can move or grow

Do walnuts grow in San Diego?

No---they grow in my pants and then get spread over your mom's face

What kind of basketball did Evan turner grow playing?

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in 1780

Why would your feet grow after your are in your thirties?

They don't grow but spread out simply because of the weight that they carry.