A caravel has a keel, a hull, a bow, a stern, an amidships, a main deck, a below decks, a bilge, a captain's quarters, a forecastle, a galley, ship's lockers, anchor(s), spare lines, sails, masts, a captain, and a crew. They usually have a spirit, too ;) but that has to be felt while operating her.
curved keel
light caravel had triangular sails to better control the wind
Caravel sailing ships were developed in the 15th century, which is from the years 1401-1500. Marco Polo lived from 1254-1324. So, he did not use Caravel ships.
its about the size of 345ft
A caravel is a ship with 3 masts. To see a photo of a delightful model of a caravel, click on the Related Link.
Caravel is a noun.
a caravel is bigger that it and is from the norther part of the world and a galleons is smaller and is from the southern part of the world
curved keel
A caravel was a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship.The caravel came into sight on the horizon.They set sail aboard the caravel for the New World.
Caravel in french means caravelle
My caravel mum loves to dance
The caravel is much smaller than I'd imagined. Christopher Columbus used a caravel.
light caravel had triangular sails to better control the wind
the Half Moon
The caravel was an original Portugese model.
He sailed the caravel hundreds of miles over the Pacific Ocean.The caravel was a midsized ship developed by the Portuguese and Spanish.
The stamp depicts two caravel ships approaching land