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Q: What years did Celtic fc go 9 in a row?
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Who is the only player to go to the Super Bowl 5 years in a row?

Charles Haley

Was there any baseball team to go to the world series three years in a row?

Yes , the New York Yankees ; years 1998, 1999 and 2000

How old did you have to be to become a Celtic warrior?

Celtic warriors typically started training in combat skills from a young age, around 6-7 years old. They would go through years of training and experience before joining battle as full-fledged warriors in their late teens or early twenties.

Where can one go to read Celtic news?

One can read the Celtic news on various websites like DailyRecord and the official Celtic news website itself. Both websites offer all the latest Celtic news.

Did the bears go to the super bowl two years in a row?

No. The Bears have played in two Super Bowls: 20, and 41.

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Chelsea FC

How can you go into the club fc Barcelona?

Depends on what you want to be.

How do you get to a Celtic town?

go though mr. cornet

Looking for brawlers on SSBB my fc is 3909 8859 3536 leave your fc and go on now?

4210 3691 4807~;)