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Before the Russian Revolution of 1917, the country had suffered high inflation and food scarcity. The hardest hit of the very stratified Russia were the peasants. World War I made everything worse for the Russian people, thus highlighting the problems of the country and inefficiency of the then-Russian monarchy.

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Q: What were the struggles that led russia to become a communist country?
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What country turned communist after WWI?

Russia was the only country to become communist during World War 1.

In what year did Russia become a communist country and in what year did communists cease to control Russia?

1922 - 1991

What was the nearest country to become communist?

Depending on where you are, the nearest communist country could be almost any South American nation, Russia, China, Vietnam or Cuba.

What country did Lenin lead communist to power in?

It was Russia

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The communist government of China patterned their country's development after Russia. The Chinese Communist party began its rule in 1949.

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What did Russia become under Lenin and the Communist Party?

Russia became first a communist state and later the largest Soviet Republic in the Soviet Union.

Is Russia under communism?

Russia is a democratic country of sorts. It is no longer a communist country, meaning it is no longer a country controlled by the Communist Party. Russia, never was a communist country as Karl Marx described communism. In fact, there has never been a true Marxian communist country.

Who makes economic decisions for Russia?

Putin does. He is the current dictator of Russia. It is still a communist country.

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Russia; Russia has alot of basasses and is just crazy

What was the second communist country?

The theory of communism was developed in Germany by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels; based in part on social theories from Plato.However it was in Russia that communists first took power in a country and attempted to govern a nation by communist theory.

What country Ended world war 1 as a communist?

Russia. They became communist during Lenin's reign.