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The western expantion is when we (the Americans) kicked the Indians out of Georgia because gold was discovered.1/4 of the natives died on the move out of Georgia to Oklahoma. basicly it was when we went west.

People neede elbow room so they explored the US looking for new land. That is what Lewis and Clark did! Americans wanted all the land in the world! (Manifest Desitney)

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12y ago
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9y ago

In the 19th century and prior to the outbreak of the American Civil War, the purposes of westward expansion by American settlers were several. Perhaps above all, settlers were seeking new homes, new starting-points in life, new places in which to establish themselves and their children for personal happiness and stability. At the same time, settlers were part of the overall national trend to Americanize the 'Wild West' as a general expansion of American influence and civilization. Throughout, the national issue of slavery was also at work: settlements in the West contributed to the further increase of power for either the pro-slavery or anti-slavery forces of the nation at large.

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13y ago

The settlement of the huge territories acquired from France by the Louisiana Purchase and then from Mexico, following the Mexican-American War.

The debate over whether the new states would be slave or free resulted in the successful Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the unsuccessful Compromise of 1850, which led to war.

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9y ago

You should cook him foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids because they help reduce inflammation. Fish like salmon contain these acids and taste great, also walnuts and pumpkin seeds can help too.

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12y ago

the opportunity to own land


manifest destiny

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