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Q: What were the names of the British naval ships that went to Archangel in 1917 with supplies?
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What does naval supplies mean?

naval supplies is a large supply of food, water and other materials

What are two ways that the geography of the colonies and the British naval power helped the British?

They were unfamilair with the land that was a disatveantage. They were better trained and equppet with more men, supplies, and expieince. The geography did not help the British as far as i am concerned.

What are two ways that the geography of the colonies and british naval power helped the british?

They were unfamilair with the land that was a disatveantage. They were better trained and equppet with more men, supplies, and expieince. The geography did not help the British as far as i am concerned.

What are the two ways that geography of the colonies and British naval power helped the British?

They were unfamilair with the land that was a disatveantage. They were better trained and equppet with more men, supplies, and expieince. The geography did not help the British as far as i am concerned.

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How did U.S naval officers help the allies?

The US naval army had very little impact as the British naval army had already done the hard work. The US only acted as a morale booster for the allies.

How were supplies transported overseas in World War 1?

The Merchant Marine naval ships provided the transport of supplies .

What happened as a result of British naval blockade?

As a result of the British naval blockade, U.S. Trade with the central powers mostly ended.

Why does churchill believe an invasion of british soil is not likely to occur in the near future?

Because the British naval forces created a strong barrier in the ocean

How did the french help the American win the war?

The French helped the Patriots win the war by bringing military generals and supplies to help with their fight against the British. The French help by preventing the British Naval forces from rescuing their troops at Yorktown, the British general was forced to accept defeat and surrender.

Who built u-boat submariens in World War 1?

The Germans made them to stop the British from getting merchant ships and naval transport which caused Britain to have a lack of supplies and it was harder for her to get boats to her empire.