In the later 20th century industries in Liverpool included engineering, cement manufacture, sugar refining and flour milling.
The main industries of Ethiopia include... Oil exportation, Clothing, and leather. Bulls and cows are used to make leather.
Wheat, corn, and fishing were their main industries. Hope this helps :-)
markets for industries and sites for raw material.
copper, coal, salt, shipbuilding, cereals, fish, timber
Yes the Beatles were from Liverpool, they were called The Liverpool Boys.
Liverpool and Liverpool reserves
Liverpool was a major port so a large part of the economy was related to shipping.
Coachman Industries Inc. is composed of seven main subsidiaries. The company going public in 1969. Coachman enjoyed the growth through the most of 1970s and gained a listing on the American Stock Exchange in 1972.
The main industries are agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation and service industries.
I have an ornate table with EF.EF Industries, INc. Lamp dated 1971
The main industries in Guyana are Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Mining.
Taiwans main industries are fashion electronics and farming.
It became a very poor and desolate area because of the unemployement rates.
They speak English.Liverpool, England's main language is English.The langauge spoken in Liverpool is English. The dialect is scouse.
Liverpool's main goalie is Jose "Pepe" Reina.
Liverpool lime street
The main industries of Jamaica are mining,manufacturing,construction,and energy