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Lack of food and Bad leadership.

The Russian Revolution was caused by several major factors:

1. The partial industrialization of Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which created an urban working class in places like St. Petersburg and Moscow that could organize against its exploitation through unions and workers councils(known as 'the soviets'). This enabled the workers to work together much more effectively against their bosses then the scattered, isolated, and thus largely de-politicized peasantry. The cities were also connected via trade and communication to the outside world, where intellectuals and workers alike had access to revolutionary ideas from Western Europe such as Marxism.

2. The desperate poverty and gross inequality that marked Russian society created a deep well of discontent. The czar and the aristocracy, as well as Russia's capitalist class, lived in opulent luxury in palaces such as the Hermitage while most Russians lived in medieval conditions. In the countryside, most farmers still used wooden plow. Hundreds of thousands died from epidemics on a regular basis. 1/3 of all Russian babies died before their first birthday.

3. The entry of Russia into World War I brought all the class tensions of Russian society to a boiling point, especially when Russia's badly equipped and led army suffered a series of disastrous defeats. Food riots broke out in Russia's major cities and the countryside. The army and navy began to mutiny against a government they had no desire to fight and die for.

4. The czar of Russia, Nicholas II, was a weak and indecisive leader. He went back and forth between making concessions to his people and then opting for repressive measures. Therefore, he both allowed breathing space for a revolutionary movement to develop while creating fresh grievances that strengthened the political forces against him. Most importantly though, he was attempting to reform a corrupt, repressive, outdated system that could not be reformed at all.

5. Although many different groups were opposed to the czar, the Russian revolution was successful because the group that ended up leading it, the Bolsheviks, were dedicated, well-organized, and well-led.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Causes 1. In February 1917 there were shortages of bread in Petrograd and prices were very high. 2. Tsar Nicholas II was weak and did not keep his promises. 3. The effects of the First World War on the Russian army. 4. In Russia there were big differences between rich and poor. 5. The Russian Parliament (the Duma), which was set up in 1906, was not given any real power. The Tsar still ruled as an autocrat (like a dictator).

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12y ago

Results of Bolshevik RevolutionRussian effects of the Bolshevik Revolution were:

  • end of an autocratic rule
  • establishment of a socialist govt.
  • educational reforms
  • industrial growth n economic development
  • withdrawal of russia frm the world war
  • emergence of russia as a major power of world
  • equal rights to all nationalities

World Effects were:

  • spread of communism in the whole world
  • formation of third international
  • increasing global tensions
  • divison of world into two-communist n capitalist
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13y ago

Russia never went through the Industrial Revolution the way countries like the United States, Great Britain, Germany and other countries did. Russia was an agrarian state at that time and stayed that way until Joseph Stalin instituted his Five Year Plans to increase the industrial capacity of the Soviet Union in 1928.

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