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potatoes or the number a also a littl tiney fredric made of three <2>

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12y ago

they were pulled by horses ;)

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Q: What were mesopotamia chariots pulled by?
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What were mesopotamia's chariots like?

they r wheeled cart that were pulled by horses or cows mostly any animal carried goods for the people and hay and other stuff

How did domesticated mesopotamian horses pull chariots?

The same way all horses pulled chariots. They were hitched to the chariot and they pulled.

What pulled her chariots?

Horses of Zeus.

What are Mesopotamia's inventions?

Mesopotamia contributed to writing with the invention of Cuneiform. They are also credited with developing the wheel for use on its chariots.

What are words that have to do with Mesopotamia?

canals, irrigation, sargon, chariots, wheel, Fertile Crescent

What pulled freya the goddesses' chariots?

Freya, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, was typically pulled by large cats or boars in her chariot. These animals were symbolic of her powers and attributes in Norse mythology.

When did the babylonians invent the chariot?

Chariots were built in Mesopotamia as early as 3000 BC

What pulled chariots in ancient rome?

The Romans used horses to pull their chariots. 2 or 4 horses was most common but 10 horses were once used.

How was the chariot used in sports?

it was pulled by horse and usually raced against other chariots

What were some of the weapons used in mesopotamia?

They used chariots, bows and arrows, spears, swords, and hand axes

Did Guals use chariots?

Yes they used chariot and so did the Celts.

What are chariots?

A chariot is a small two wheeled cart that can be pulled by either one horse or as many as ten.