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In August 1969, running back Rocky Bleier was wounded in Vietnam. He was drafted after his rookie season and volunteered for duty in the Vietnam War, where he was awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star.

There was also a made for television movie, Fighting Back: The Rocky Bleier Story, which was based on his life.

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In August 1969, Steelers running back Rocky Bleier was wounded in Vietnam.

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When did Rocky Bleier play for the Pittsburgh Steelers?

Rocky Bleier played for the Steelers in 1968, and from 1971-1980. Bleier was drafted into the U.S. Army after his rookie season and went to Vietnam in 1969. He was wounded in combat that August. He would go on to miss the 1970 season also.

What is Rocky Bleier most known for?

Rocky Bleier is known as a former National Football League (NFL) Halfback who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1968 and from 1971 to 1980, helping them win their first 4 Super Bowl victories. He was nicknamed Rocky as a baby, and he was wounded while in the US Army in Vietnam. He also wrote a book about his struggle to recover from his wounds and return to a starting position with the Steelers. It was made into a TV movie in 1980.

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How many people were whomed in the Vietnam war?

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Over 3,000 Australian Servicemen wounded in Vietnam.

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Over 300,000 US servicemen were wounded in the Vietnam War.