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The New Economic Policy was Lenin's plan to reintroduce some aspects of capitalism into the socialistic Russian economy in an effort to rebuild the Russian economy.

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Q: What was the name of Lenin's mini capitalism plan to help Russia's economy recover?
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What was lenins theory about capitalism?

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The cast of Book of Lenins - 1996 includes: Rick Minnich

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What resulted from Lenins new economic policy?

Russia's devastated economy began to recover.Russia was forced to begin importing food products.Russia was forced to begin importing food products.

What was Valdimar Lenins purpose?

to overthrow the aristocracy and establish a communist country.

Why was lenins leadership crucial to the success of the Russian revolution?

Because it just was.

What is lenins name?

Lenin was his last name. Vladimir was his first name.

What was Vladimir Lenins mothers name?

This name is Maria Alexandrovna Blank.

What music is played at Lenins tomb in Russia?

Kinderszenen opus 15 by Robert Schuman "traumerei"