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The Bolsheviks were actually a minority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. The majority faction was the Mensheviks. At a RSDLP congress in Brussels in 1903, Lenin put up for a vote a measure on how stringent the leadership of the RSDLP should be. Several members of the RSDLP walked out in protest, giving Lenin a one vote majority for that one vote. Lenin promptly called his party the Bolsheviks, meaning majorityites even though in terms of number they were a distinct minority.

For some reason, the majority faction became known as the Mensheviks, meaning minoritites even though their numbers exceeded that of the Bolsheviks.

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Q: What was the majority faction that eventually became the Communist Party and was led by Lenin in the early 20th century?
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In China's civil war the communist faction was led by who?

Mao Zedong

When was the communist government in Soviet Union established?

The first Communist Party started in the Soviet Union when the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party split in two and the Bolshevik faction (founded in 1912) became the Communist Party and then suppressed the other faction. The name Russian Communist Party was adopted in 1918.

Which is more difficult o control a minority faction or majority faction?

A majority faction is generally more difficult to control in a standard democracy because, with one vote per person, they will overall have more votes than a minority faction, therefore their ideas will come into effect. To stifle a minority faction one must merely outvote them, whereas, oftentimes for majority factions you must spread the vote to many smaller (state) governments. This is where the "Republic" form of democracy was suggested by James Madison, which allows representatives to make informed decisions rather than fall to "schemes of oppression" of the majority people. So, in short, majority's harder to hold back. You just have to outvote minority.

During China's civil war who led the communist faction?

Mao Zedong, who later because the first president of the People's Republic of China and chairman of the Communist Party of China.

Which small faction did Lenin become the leader of?

Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party. At first it was a minority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, but eventually it split off and became its own party.

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What political party did Vladimir Lenin lead?

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in Russia. That faction later split off and became its own party. Then in March 1918 it changed its name to the Communist Party. Lenin led the Bolshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Party. Eventually the faction split from the RSDP to become the Bolshevik Party. After the Russian Civil War, it became the Communist Party.

In China's civil war the communist faction was led by who?

Mao Zedong

Why are pure democracies prone to the problem of faction?

Pure Democracy cannot cure the mischief of faction because if the faction is a majority, than they will pursue their interests at the expense of national welfare. [majority rules does not necessarily guarantee an appropriate outcome]

Why does pure democracy have no cure for mischief of faction?

Pure Democracy cannot cure the mischief of faction because if the faction is a majority, than they will pursue their interests at the expense of national welfare.

When was the communist government in Soviet Union established?

The first Communist Party started in the Soviet Union when the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party split in two and the Bolshevik faction (founded in 1912) became the Communist Party and then suppressed the other faction. The name Russian Communist Party was adopted in 1918.

Who was the member of the radical faction of the Russian socialist party which became the communist party in 1918?


What does Bolshevik mean?

The actual word is derived from the Russian word 'bolshe', which means more. Originally, the Bolsheviki (or Bolsheviks in English) were a radical faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), a Marxist political party. The less radical faction of the RSDLP was called Mensheviki, derived from the word 'menshe', less. The Bolsheviks, of course, became the Russian Communist Party (the soviet union). The word "soviet" means "council" in Russian.

Who was a member of the radical faction of the Russian socialist party which later became the Communist Party in 1918?

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the radical faction of the Russian Socialist Democratic Labor Party known as the Bolshevik Party. In March 1918, they changed their name to the Communist Party.

What is bolschewismus?

Bolschewismus, also known as Bolshevism, refers to a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party that later became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Led by Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevism advocated for a violent revolution to establish a communist society. The Bolsheviks eventually gained power in Russia following the October Revolution in 1917.

Which is more difficult o control a minority faction or majority faction?

A majority faction is generally more difficult to control in a standard democracy because, with one vote per person, they will overall have more votes than a minority faction, therefore their ideas will come into effect. To stifle a minority faction one must merely outvote them, whereas, oftentimes for majority factions you must spread the vote to many smaller (state) governments. This is where the "Republic" form of democracy was suggested by James Madison, which allows representatives to make informed decisions rather than fall to "schemes of oppression" of the majority people. So, in short, majority's harder to hold back. You just have to outvote minority.