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Q: What was the ancient Greek Honor Code?
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How were ancient gods connected with the ancient Olympics?

The ancient Olympics were held to honor the Greek gods (especially to honor Zeus).

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delia is an ancient greek festival in honor of Apollo

Why did Greek celebrate Dionysus festival?

to honor their godthey do many things besides festivals to honor their godsFestivalsPlaysand the ancient greek olympics ALL honor the gods!

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What did the word honor mean to to ancient Greeks?

I am from Greece and every year we have honor ceremonies for past greek heroes.First, in Greek, honor is "τιμή" timi.The ancient Greek people usually they honored the war heroes. The ancient Greek concept of a hero was different from our own culture's. First and foremost, the ancient Greek hero was a religious figure, a dead person who received cult honors and was expected in return to bring prosperity, especially in the form of fertility of plants (crops) and animals, to the community. That's why they honored those people.Also, in ancient Greece they used to honor the greek gods, like Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite etc. They created poetry, hymns, plays to honor their gods.In conclusion, the word honor meant a lot tο the Ancient Greeks, but it means a lot to to the Greeks today as well.

Who were the first Olympic games held in honor of?

The olympic games were held in honour of Zeus, king of the Greek gods. He and the other gods lived on Mount Olympus

Why were the Ancient Greek temples made and who were they made for?

the temples were made to honor the gods

What Greek god got held of honor at the first ancient Olympic games?


Why would an ancient greek honor aphrodite?

she was the goddess of love beauty youth and sexuality

What did the two ancient wonders located in Greece have in common?

They were both made to honor greek gods

Did ancient Romans honor Greek Gods?

heck yeah they didnt do anything withought there permision

In ancient greek Olympics what did they receive as a winning prize?

it was an olive crown which was gold and a statue made in their honor