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So this is what happened in the tennis court oath↓

first, the representatives of the three estates (I estate - church, II estate - nobles, III estate - bourgeoisie and the rest) were called to gather by Louis VI. Since France was becoming broke Louis took a vote to as whether the Iand II estate should pay taxt as well as the III estate, and both the I and II estate said no and the III estate said yes. therefore the III estate was voted out (which was unfair because the III estate took up 98% of the whole population).

then on June 20th 1789 the three estates gathered again but Louis's house was locked and they couldn't get it. meanwhile luois was hunting. so they moved to a tennis court (which btw doesnt look like tennis courts right now, tennis was played with hands back then) and had a discussion, and the three estates got together and made an oath that France would be a constitutional monarchy and that they 'were the citizens, not the king' . they made an oath to go against the government until they got a constitution.

this left Louis with a dilemma. he could answer to the oath, but he knew that the ancien regime provided France with stability. he could go against it, but this could start a war and the estates could rebel against the king. in the end he did nothing, which showed weekness.

haha im only 14 and im saying this out of memory, maybe some of it is wrong, but for all the knowledge i have i thank my awesome English and hummanities teacher :)

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Foster Schroeder

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13y ago

The conflict that arose to the Tennis Court Oath was that the Third Estate's delegates in France were locked out of their meeting room.

The delegates were enraged that they could not use the meeting room, being only three days after the creation of the National Assembly (which held mostly third estate delegates, and a few others from other estates).

So, instead of waiting patiently, they broke down the door to an indoor tennis court near their meeting room and took the Tennis Court Oath, where they would not leave until they had drafted a new constitution for France.

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9y ago

In the early days of the French Revolution, the Estates General locked out the Third Estate (those who were not nobles or clergymen). They made a makeshift conference room in a tennis court. There they began reconstructing the French constitution.

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10y ago

The Tennis Court Oath was an opposition from the people to Louis XVI. The oath was signed by 576 members in a conference room developed in a tennis court.

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There were 576 of the 577 present who took the oath.

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20 June 1789

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