Paul Pierce, Raef LaFrentz, Billy Thomas, Ryan Robertson, Kenny Gregory, Eric Chenowith,
Christian Laettner
Paul Hogue
Kenny "sky" walker
NCAA Division 1 men's basketball teams are limited to 13 scholarship players each academic year(NCAA Bylaw My research has yet to lead me to an NCAA limit on TOTAL D1 MBB roster sizes, but the 2013-14 Kansas Jayhawks roster had 18 players on it (13 scholarship and 5 walk-on players).
they was a pro basketball team
Click on the '2007 Kansas City Royals' link on this page to see who is on the 2007 Royals roster.
I've Linked you to the Roster. (See related links)
Christian Laettner
A list of the players with name and number.
Dana Barros
Ron pruitt
Paul Hogue