The Krusty Krab, Krusty burger, Your very soul and essence will be served in the depths of firey torment, piece by piece... with waffle fries and Diet Coke...
Pathe News
I believe it was "Big "Mama".
my penis is big
the invention of telephone.
Because life, mainly in the form of technology, changed radically. During the late 1800's/ early 1900's we suddenly had electricity, mobility, big modern buildings and effective means of communication.
Well bill liked cheetos so he made big business
Type your answer here... J.P. Morgan
Pathe News
I believe it was "Big "Mama".
'Big Baby' looks to be fashioned after the old Kewpie Dolls which were popular in the early 1900s .
American was just starting to industrialize. It was the big corporate CEOs and owners that pushed for public education.
people sifted throught the water(boiled it) -removes germs-☺ created big sifters (put them in rivers
my penis is big
Well bill liked cheetos so he made big business
Yes, it pushed Native Americans off their land and put them into reservations.
More than half of the people in most big Americans cities were immigrants or children of immigrants.
Fred Hoyle is the one that is credited for coining the phrase The Big Bang Theory. The theory itself was first composed from observed by Vestro Slipher in the early 1900s.