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Leon Trotsky had the most radical of ideas concerning a workers' revolution in Russia. No Marxist was as extreme as Trotsky was by stating that both nationalistic and international support could carry forth a revolution by the working classes. Trotsky believed that a bourgeoisie led revolution was impossible in Russia. He claimed they were too weak to do so. Therefore, that step towards socialism had to be skipped entirely. This was highly radical and more leftist than Marx. Lenin did agree that the Russian bourgeoisie was impotent. With that said, however, Lenin believed the working classes had to form a alliance with the peasant classes if a revolution was to come about. Lenin, however, never specified the exact relationship the proletariat should have with the peasants, as clearly the peasants had to be secondary to the workers.

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Q: What was one main area of disagreement between Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin?
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