no it is not his real name. his old teacher gave him that nick name.
Magic Johnson's full name is Earvin (no middle name) johnson.
Earvin Johnson
Jim Ristick!
Magic Johnson never played for the Magic, just the Lakers.
Earvin Johnson is a Jr. meaning he's the second, so his fathers name is Earvin Johnson Sr. His mother's name is Christine... she was a very religious mother and she did not like Earvin's nickname "Magic" because she considered it blasphemes to her religion. <<< just to let you kno.:)
If you mean "Magic" Johnson, his real name is Earven Johnson Jr.
Earvin Effay Johnson, Jr. Earn Effay "Magic" Johnson Jr.
earvin johnson
Wizardology was the name! That's what I think!Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Jr.
earvin effay Johnson jr.
Earvin Effay Johnson, Jr. Earn Effay "Magic" Johnson Jr.
Magic Johnson's full name is Earvin (no middle name) johnson.
Magic Johnson's birth name is Johnson, Earvin.
Magic Johnson
I believe it was Magic Johnson (his real name is Earvin Johnson).
he was magic
Dwayne Johnson is his real name