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Paul McCarthy

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Q: What was Vladimir Lenin's background and which philosopher inspired his ideas about revolutionary change?
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Was Karl Marx a revolutionary?

Yes, Karl Marx was a revolutionary thinker and political activist. His ideas about social and economic change through class struggle and overthrowing capitalist systems have inspired many revolutionary movements throughout history.

Which dictators were inspired by Karl Marx?

Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin

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"I felt inspired by the scenery of the water with hills in the background."

What is a sentence with the word revolutionary?

Inspired by the Bolsheviks, revolutionary movements appeared across Europe. The new aircraft used a revolutionary design to improve its performance.

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Thomas Jefferson was inspired by the Enlightenment philosopher John Locke, particularly in regards to natural rights, social contract theory, and limited government. Jefferson's ideas on individual rights and government structure were heavily influenced by Locke's philosophy.

What leader inspired the Bolsheviks to hold a Revolution in Russia to create socialism as the nation's economic system?

Vladimir Lenin

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The political philosopher who inspired the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was John Locke. His ideas on natural rights and government's role in protecting these rights greatly influenced the Declaration of Independence, which includes these principles.

What are examples of sentences that use the word philosopher?

The philosopher spent years contemplating the meaning of life and existence. She was inspired by the wisdom of ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle. The philosopher's writings on ethics and morality continue to influence modern thought. As a philosopher, his main goal was to challenge established beliefs and provoke critical thinking.

What were the long-term effect of Marx and Engels's The Communist Manifesto?

In the 1900's, Marxism inspired revolutionaries such as Vladimir Lenin.