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.420 in 1911 (248 hits in 591 at bats).

Cobb also batted .409 in 1912 (226 hits in 553 at bats) and .401 in 1922 (211 hits in 526 at bats).

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Q: What was Ty Cobb's best batting average?
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Who has the best batting average in the MLB?

.366 average by Ty Cobb

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Ty Cobb had a lifetime batting average of .366

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Ty Cobb's real name was Tyrus Raymond Cobb.

What team did Ty cobbs play for from 1905 to 1926?

the tigers

Who was ty cobbs wife?

charlie lombard and and Frances cass

What year did Ty Cobb hit his highest batting average?

Ty Coob's highest batting average was .420 in 1911

What lead to ty cobbs success?

He tried harder and wanted it more.

Who has the highest lifetime batting average in baseball?

Ty Cobb with a .366 batting average

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The correct answer is Ty Cobb with batting average .420

Who holds the record for the most triples?

Ty Cobbs at 295 for most triples.

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