.420 in 1911 (248 hits in 591 at bats).
Cobb also batted .409 in 1912 (226 hits in 553 at bats) and .401 in 1922 (211 hits in 526 at bats).
Ty Cobb had a lifetime batting average of .366
Ty Cobbs at 295 for most triples.
None. Cobb went 17 for 65 for a .262 batting average in the 3 World Series. His hits were 12 singles, 4 doubles, and 1 triple.
.366 average by Ty Cobb
Ty Cobb had a lifetime batting average of .366
Ty Cobb's real name was Tyrus Raymond Cobb.
the tigers
charlie lombard and and Frances cass
Ty Coob's highest batting average was .420 in 1911
He tried harder and wanted it more.
Ty Cobb with a .366 batting average
The correct answer is Ty Cobb with batting average .420
Ty Cobbs at 295 for most triples.