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Q: What was Sammy Sosa's punishment for steriods?
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Related questions

What did Sammy Sosa fear of?

Get caught of using steriods.

Before choosing baseball what was Sammy Sosas favorite sport?

Sammy sold oranges on the street and shined shoes to make ends meet for his mother and six siblings. He started baseball when he was fourteen only he played with and branch for a bat and a milk carton for a glove.

How can steriods effect children in a good way?

can steriods kill children can steriods kill children

Are anabolic supplements steroids?

yes steriods are called anabolic steriods but they usually just use the name steriods

How many Olympians used steriods?

How many players or athletes use steriods. How many players or athletes use steriods.

Does Miley Cyrus do steriods?

No, Miley Cyrus does not take steriods.

Do WWE superstars take steriods?

Batista takes steriods

When was steriods made?

there are steriods in your body but muscle building steriods was made by a scientist named Ruzicka and Berthold during 1929 Nazis used steriods to give them a boost.Pokemon diamond Game boy color

Is it true that David Ortiz is doing steroids?

Did steriods, not currently doing steriods.

Is estrogen and cholesterol are example of steroids?

lipids called steriods! :)

Does barry bond take steriods?

he did take steriods that's why he broke the home run record

Whats Kenny sosas phone number?

The personal phone and cell numbers of celebrities and athletes are not disclosed due to security reasons.