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The son of legendary Lucha Libre grappler Gory Guerrero, Eddie's future as a wrestler was set in stone from his early childhood. A colligate star and member of NMU's amateur Wrestling squad, Eddie was feverishly trained by his father and debuted in the EMLL circa 1987. Quickly establishing himself as a rising star of the Mexican leagues, Eddie teamed with his brothers Chavo and Mando and went on to become WWA Welterweight Champion in only two years. Later donning a mask as Mascara Magica and Black Tiger, Guerrero moved on to other organizations throughout Japan and Mexico while capturing several prestigious titles along the way. But it was his championship turns in ECW and WCW (sans mask) that truly gained Eddie the fame he enjoys today. Getting the better of several feuds with Dean Malenko, 2 Cold Scorpio, and Diamond Dallas Page, his status as a charismatic heel was cemented for the ages. After winning several United States, Television, and Cruiserweight titles, Eddie joined his pals Malenko, Saturn, and Benoit to form the Radicalz in February of 2000. Matching Benoit as the breakout star of the group, Eddie has torn through the WWE's ranks ever since. Nabbing countless Intercontinental, European, and Tag belts in his three years with the company, Eddie's reputation for a stellar work ethic, willingness to put youngsters over, and his terrific mic skills have made him a favorite in the backstage area.

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Is Chavo Guerrero a wrestler?

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The duration of Guerreros is 1.6 hours.

When was Guerreros Atlixco created?

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