Preston north end
The phone number of the North Ridgeville is: 440-327-8326.
The phone number of the North Port Library is: 941-861-1300.
The phone number of the North Bend Library is: 425-888-0554.
The phone number of the North Library is: 330-747-3719.
he went to preston north end
Simon Whaley is number 15 for Preston North End F.C
Preston North End
Preston North End.
Preston North End in the mid 90s.
Brett Ormerod Is Number 17
Matt hill is number 18
David Nugent - Preston North End
Yes David Beckham played for Preston North End, originally he played for Manchester United but was on loan for the 1994-95 season for one month. Beckham wore the number 4 shirt and played 5 games scoring 2 goals. One of his goals was scored from a corner making it the first ever goal directly from a corner for PNE.
His first team was Manchester united, and while there, he moved on loan to Preston North End
Preston North End Football Club was formed in 1881.