Two wars set the stage for the Russian Revolutions of 1917. The first was the Russo-Japanese War in which Russia suffered a humiliating defeat. Soldiers were very dissatisfied with the Tsar's mishandling of the war and indifference to their living conditions. The second war, which directly led to the revolution was World War 1.
It didn't. It occurred during the latter stages of WW I.
But looking at the general politics of the 1920s and 1930s, you could say that Soviet Russia having a very different type of government was part, but only a small part, of the complex process that led up to the Second World War.
The Russian Revolution was in 1917 during World War One. In 1905 Russia was defeated by Japan.
The Russo-Japanese War led to the incident on January 9, 1905 referred to as Bloody Sunday and which some historians consider to be part of the Russian Revolution even though it happened 12 years before the 1917 revolution. The Russo-Japanese War was just one of the many grievances Fr. Georgi Gapon and over a hundred thousand marchers were asking the Tsar to correct.
Bloody Sunday began the break with the total autocratic rule of the Tsars. It convinced many people that the Tsar was not the "little father" who was looking after them. It also scared Nicholas II into issuing the October Manifesto which created the legislative body called the Duma and provided for expanded civil rights.
The opposing of the Russian Czar led to the Russian Revolution, the death of the Russian monarchy, and the establishment of the Russian Communist State. The French had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution.
Nazis did not lead the Russian Revolution. There were two revolutions in 1917. The February revolution was not led by anyone. It happened spontaneously. The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin.
what events led to Lenins' takeover of the revolution
January 1905
The Russian Revolution of 1905 led to limits on the czar's power, but the Russian Revolution of 1917 ended the czarist system altogether.
The opposing of the Russian Czar led to the Russian Revolution, the death of the Russian monarchy, and the establishment of the Russian Communist State. The French had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution.
Nazis did not lead the Russian Revolution. There were two revolutions in 1917. The February revolution was not led by anyone. It happened spontaneously. The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin.
A revolution in Russia
what events led to Lenins' takeover of the revolution
The Russian revolution led to the rise of the Soviet Union
January 1905
Is called the October Revolution of 1917.
The Russian Revolution of 1905 led to limits on the czar's power, but the Russian Revolution of 1917 ended the czarist system altogether.
The only country directly involved in the Russian Revolution was Russia itself. Germany did help Vladimir Lenin get into Russia and then funded his revolutionary operations, but it was not truly involved as a nation.
The Russian Revolution(1917), and the over throw of the Czar
The Glorious Revolution
Vladimir Lenin led the rebel Bolshevik Party in the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. There was no such leader in the February Revolution. That was a spontaneous unorganized mass demonstration that convinced the Tsar that he had to abdicate the throne.