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john Locke was a prominent philosopher who espoused the ideas of the Social Contract, as well as popular sovereignty. The founding fathers included both of these ideas within the American Constitution.

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John Locke is a good man

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John Locke initially was enthused by the Communist China party!

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Q: What two ideas of Locke won the attention of many intellectuals?
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The declaration of independence is based on the ideas of whom?

The ideas of the American Revolution came from many influential Enlightenment thinkers, among them John Rosseau, John Locke, and Voltaire.

Thomas Jefferson agreed with many of John Locke's ideas This is most evident by Jefferson's use of which phrase?

Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness-- cribbed almost directly from Locke's conception of Life, Liberty, and Property.

How did john Locke impact the modern world?

John Locke influenced the thinking of men like Thomas Jefferson and thus influenced the thinking behind the Declaration of Independence and the constitution.

How did John Locke die?

The English philosopher, John Locke, devoted himself to his work. He never married or had children. Locke passed away on October 28, 1704. His ideas and writings had a big influence on many people including the Founding Fathers of the United States.

What did John Locke have to do with the constitution?

John Locke was a political philosopher whose works were read by many of the framers of the constitution, notably Thomas Jefferson. Locke is probably most famous for his social contract, which basically states people form government, forfeiting some rights for the protection of others. Locke lists inalienable rights that Jefferson refers to in the Declaration of Independence. These include the rights to life, liberty, and property (Jefferson changed property to pursuit of happiness).John Locke's ideas of people having natural rights shaped the ideas of the contitutuion.

Related questions

What two ideas of Locke won the attention of many intellectuals in The Second Treatise of Government?

Liberty and the right to preserve his property.

What two ideas of john Locke won the attention of many intellectuals?

The two ideas of John Locke that won the attention of many intellectuals were his Two Treatises of Government. The first treatise criticized the divine right of kings. In his second treatise, John Locke defines political power as the right to make law fro the protection and regulation of property. He also discusses the meaning of the state of men.

Intellectuals of the enlightenment?

Some notable intellectuals of the Enlightenment include Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant. These thinkers promoted ideas such as reason, individual rights, and progress, which laid the foundation for many democratic values and institutions present today. Their writings influenced political, social, and scientific thought during the 18th century.

What are the two philosophers that ThomasJefferson borrowed many of his ideas from?

Thomas Jefferson borrowed many ideas from John Locke and Montesquieu. Locke's ideas on natural rights and limited government influenced Jefferson's writing of the Declaration of Independence, while Montesquieu's ideas on separation of powers and checks and balances influenced the design of the U.S. Constitution.

How did john Locke's ideas help explain why the colonists looked to their legislatures for leadership instead of the colony's governor?

john Locke has very liberal ideas. He was very influential, which is how most of his ideas won over many people.

How does John Locke influence the modern world?

John Locke was a famous philosopher who set forth many ideas about human liberty. His ideas helped influence the American and French Revolution, making democracy the most desired form of government.

Who had the most ideas for the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson, although he adopted many of the ideas of John Locke, despite differing greatly with him on their application to government.

Why do you believe Jefferson borrowed many ideas from John Locke?

Because he want to copy him as a responsible person.

What Many of the ideas of Locke Montesquieu and Rousseau were associated with?

Many of the ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau were associated with the development of political philosophy and theories on governance, individual rights, the social contract, and the separation of powers. They contributed to shaping modern democratic principles and ideals of constitutional government.

What impact did John Locke's ideas have on society?

john Locke's theory of self-government brought a huge inspiration to both the French and American Revolution. His writings also influenced other people as they created the structure for the government and socialism. This ideas also impacted the Declaration of Independence as well as the United States Constitution. Locke's ideas really changed and shaped many aspects of society today.

How did John Locke's ideas help explain why the colonists looked to their legislatures for leadership instead of to the colony's governor?

John Locke's ideas emphasized the importance of representative government and the consent of the governed. Colonists looked to their legislatures for leadership because they saw them as representatives chosen by the people, in line with Locke's notion of government by consent and the protection of individual rights. This contrasted with the colony's governor, who was often appointed by the British Crown and seen as less accountable to the colonists.

How did john locks ideas help explain why the colonists looked to their legislatures for leadership instead of to the colony's governor?

john Locke has very liberal ideas. He was very influential, which is how most of his ideas won over many people.