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The opening ceremony is a tradition starting the Olympic Games :)

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Q: What tradition starts the Olympic games?
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When Olympic games will start in London?

it starts in Summer

In ancient Greece how often were the olympic games played?

The Ancient Olympic Games were held every four years, a tradition that continues in the modern era.

Why do we still have the olympic games from Greece?

because we want to keep the tradition going.

Where did the Olymipics starts?

The Olympic games originated in Ancient Greece.

How days before the Olympic games starts?

the answer is are u a doyel

Why is the olympic torch important?

It is tradition and it pays homage to ancient Greece where the games started.

Why is Olympic torch important?

It is tradition and it pays homage to ancient Greece where the games started.

Why is the Olympic torch relay important?

It is tradition and it pays homage to ancient Greece where the games started.

How many days until the Olympic games start?

It starts in June My birthday!

Where does the Olympic Torch start and where does it travel?

The Olympic torch bearers carry the torch across the world until the opening day of the games, then at the ceremonies they light it up on the cauldron where it burns and does not go out until end of games.

Where and in which year did the first modern Olympics begin?

There were several attempts to start a tradition of modern Olympic games, starting during the French Revolution. The first modern Olympic games under the governance of an international Olympic committee were held in Athens in 1896.