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well there weren't many but the first one was Chariot Racing, there are other ones too like boxing, Wrestling and the nastiest sport was the pankration which had very little rules BUTthere were two rules and they were NO gouging peoples eyes out and NO biting each other and those are the only rules that i know of. thanks for LOOKING at my answer it probably wasen't any help but i tried my best.

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8y ago
  • chariot racing
  • jockeys race
  • boxing
  • pentathlon (running,long jump,discus,javilin and wrestiling)
  • running races

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Q: What sports were played in the ancient Greece Olympics game?
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Where did ancient Greece play sports?


When was sport begein?

Sports have been around for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations had sports. The Olympics comes from Ancient Greece.

Where are the Olympics from?

The Olympics are an international sports competition that have ancient roots. They were originally from Olympia, Greece, which was the sanctuary of Zeus.

Who played sports in ancient greece-?

Only free men who spoke Greek could compete, instead of athletes from any country.

How did the ancient Greeks form the Olympics?

Well, the Greeks loved competitions. So they made up a game called the Olympics, which modernized to the sports we have today. The Olympics were not the only competition in Ancient Greece, but the most popular.

For the ancient Olympics was the Olympic Torch carried around different countries?

No. The ancient Olympics were a sports festival but also a religious festival celebrated in Greece by Greeks to honor the Greek gods.

What games were played during the ancient Greek Olympics?

Athletic and equestrian sports.

What sports did athletes participate in at the first Olympics in ancient Greece?

Chariot Racing- something unfair was girls weren't allowed to go to Olympics or school in that time!

Did ancient Greece invent the Olympics?

Yes, the Greeks invented the Olympics and held tornaments in Olympus. Sports like archery, javelin throwing, wrestling. BTW they did it naked.

How is greek culture reflected in today's society?

well, I know that the sports they played in Greece influenced todays Olympics.

What countries took part in ancient olympics?

Ancient Olympic games were sports competitions held between different city states of Greece starting from 776 BC. These also included Athens, Heliopolis and Sparta.

Who played the sports in ancient Greece?

anyone who felt thay had the strangth to run, fight, or restale