Manute Bol's shoe size is 16.5.
i think you want to wear it
wedding dress
The exact number of people who wear a size 13 shoe in America is not known. It is known as of 2014 that sizes 12 and 13 in footwear make up 10 percent of shoe sales.
You should wear the left shoe on your left foot.
A 7.5
8 in men = 9.5 in women
He has shoe size 11
Wear 4 pairs of socks.
the shoe size is 11
she wear a size 10 shoe
He wore shoe size 15.
he wear a size 24
Well, if your shoe size is seven, then you can physically wear them. However, it is uncommon to have that shoe size at that age (it is possible though).
a a size 50 in men
Manute Bol's shoe size is 16.5.
Tyra Banks shoe size is 9.5.