the first baseball bat was made out of wood
the worst bat is the worth bat
That isn't a simple machine, it is a complex machine, made up of other simple machines.
The baseball bat is made out of strong aluminum metal or maple wood. The baseball bat was designed to have a handle bar and a sweet spot. In an aluminum bat, it has electric tape, so when you hit it good or bad it won't sting as much. People came up with batting gloves to prevent stinginess with any bat. That's the history of a baseball bat.
A lever
A Baseball bat is a lever. It is usually identified as a third class lever but it can be the first class as long as it is attached to an arm.It is a lever.
No, a baseball is not a simple machine. Simple machines are mechanical devices used to make work easier, such as levers or pulleys, whereas a baseball is a sports equipment used in the game of baseball.
It is a lever
The batter swinging the bat.
The batter swinging the bat.
You take a wood or metal rod then form it in to a bat shape. Click on the 'How to Make a Baseball Bat' link below to read a simple explanation of how to make your own baseball bat.
A simple machine among those options is a pair of scissors. Scissors are considered a type of lever, with the handles acting as the effort arm and the blades acting as the load arm, helping to cut through materials with less force.
Yes. It has more moving parts.
An airplane is not a simple machine. A lever is a simple machine. A wheel is a simple machine. Any machine that can be described by a mathematical formula is a simple machine.