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Q: What significant historical events caused the Olympic games to be cancelled?
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What world events caused the olympic games to be cancelled in 1916 1940 and 1944?

The 1916 Olympic Games were cancelled due to the outbreak of World War I.

Where were the Olympics held in 1916?

Though the 1916 Olympic Games were scheduled to be held in Berlin, World War I caused the Olympic Gamesto be cancelled

Why were the ancient Olympic Games disbanded?

The river Kladeos flooded while Olympia was under the control of the Romans. This caused significant damage to the site, and as a result the games ceased.

Which in 3 years did world wars cause the cancellation of the Olympics?

World War I caused the 1916 Olympics to be cancelled and World War II cancelled the 1940 and 1944 Olympics.

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a significant breakthrough occurred with the establishment of the product-liability concept, whereby a plaintiff did not have to prove negligence but only had to prove that a defective product caused an injury

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The Olympic Games caused a pause in wars.

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