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Margot Frank went to the Ludwig- Richter school in Frankfurt am Maine Germany.

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Did Anne Frank go to the same school as Peter and Margot?

Yes, Anne Frank attended the Montessori school in Amsterdam along with her sister Margot. Peter Van Pels, whom she later befriends while in hiding, attended a different school.

What is Margot Frank's full name?

Her full name is Margot Betti Frank. She was the older sister of Anne Frank.

What is the birth name of Margot Frank?

Margot Frank's birth name is Margot Betty Frank.

Did Anne Frank go to school during the holocaust?

Anne, Margot and Peter all took daily tutoring from Otto Frank during their whole time in the annex.

When was Margot Frank born?

Margot Frank was born on February 16, 1926.

What Anne Frank sisters name?

Anne Frank's sisters name was Margot Frank...

When is margot frank born?

Margot Frank was born on the 16th February 1926.

How did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Anne Frank's father had planned to go into hiding for months. He told Meip to take Margot to the annex and keep her there until the rest of the family came into hiding with margot.

Which concentration camp was Margot Frank required to go to?

Anne Frank, Margot Frank and their mother were first sent (from Westerbork) to Auschwitz; then on 30 October 1944 Anne and Margot were moved to Bergen-Belsen, but their mother had to stay in Auschwitz.

What schools did Anne Frank attend?

Anne Frank and Margot Frank attended Montessori School , open to all races, until 1941 where the requirement for Jews to attend Jewish only schools forced Anne to transfer to the Jewish Lyceum in the equivalent of 7th grade

Anne frank parents and sisters names?

Anne Frank's parents were Otto Frank and Edith Frank, and her sister's name was Margot Frank.

What is Margot Frank's birth date?

Margot Frank was born February 16, 1926.