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oldest player to pitch in the mlb

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Q: What records did Satchel Paige brake?
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Pitchers with losing records in the hall of fame?

Satchel Paige

Is satchel Paige a guy?

Yes Satchel Paige was a guy.

What is Satchel Paige's real name?

leroy "satchel" paige

What was Satchel Paige famous for?

rwhat was satchel paige famous for

What is Satchel Paige's first name?

Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige

When was Satchel Paige born?

Satchel Paige was born on July 7, 1906.

How many siblings does Satchel Paige have?

Leroy "Satchel" Paige has 12 siblings.

What were satchel paige's accomplishments?

satchel Paige's accomplishments were pitching and pitching fast.

What is Satchel Paige's birthday?

Satchel Paige was born on July 7, 1906.

How tall was Satchel Paige's wife?

Satchel Paige was 6'3" and weighed 180 pounds

What 3 pitchers in the Hall of Fame have losing records?

Rollie Fingers, Bruce Sutter and Satchel Paige

Where does Satchel Paige live?

Satchel paige is died in 1982 and ods buried in kansas city