Dave Winfield, Frank Robinson, Fred McGriff and Vladimir Guerrero.
The phone number of the National Museum Of American Indian is: 202-633-1000.
Through the 2009 season: 1) Dave Winfield - 1856 games in the NL and 1117 games in the AL. 2) Frank Robinson - 1605 games in the NL and 1203 games in the AL. 3) Fred McGriff - 1305 games in the NL and 1155 games in the AL.
The address of the American Associates Of The National Army Museum Uk is: 1000 N West Street Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801-1058
Every season at least 10 players have 1000 yards
the latest to complete 1000 games is Steve Nash and there are many players like Kobe,shaq,Kevin,ray Allen
There are currently no professional women's hockey players in North America. The women playing in the Canadian Women's Hockey League and the Western Women's Hockey League are not compensated at all to play. In fact, many of them actually have to pay to play. There are a large number of members of the Canadian and US women's national teams playing in these leagues and they are paid to train by their respective national associations as "carded" athletes. However, the amount they are paid ranges in between $1000-$2000 per month, hardly a "pro" level contract. There are professional women's hockey leagues in Europe and Russia. Their compensation is not known, but the North American players who play there are paid relatively well, although again, not anywhere close to the level of the men's pro players.
The phone number of the National Museum Of American Indian is: 202-633-1000.
Football players agreed to donate their fees to charity. However, they are paid 750 for a loss, 1000 for a draw, and 1500 for a win.
Through the 2009 season: 1) Dave Winfield - 1856 games in the NL and 1117 games in the AL. 2) Frank Robinson - 1605 games in the NL and 1203 games in the AL. 3) Fred McGriff - 1305 games in the NL and 1155 games in the AL.
62 Players have scored 1000+ points
The address of the American Associates Of The National Army Museum Uk is: 1000 N West Street Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801-1058
Any number between 1 and 1000
I am almost positvely sure 1000 equus are given to new players.
Every season at least 10 players have 1000 yards
the latest to complete 1000 games is Steve Nash and there are many players like Kobe,shaq,Kevin,ray Allen