Corsicana High School
Vikings running back Adrian Peterson played high school ball at Palestine High School in Palestine, Texas.
Kerrville Toby had a 13 overtime game in the early 1980's.
Kendrick Perkins (Playing for Bostin) B J Tyler Port Arthur,Texas (No Longer Playing ) Stephen Jackson (playing for Golden state ) Jimmy Carruth (Born In West Texas Play High School Ball In Port Arthur Texas SFA)
Yes, the managers, staff, and players all get World Series Rings. Even players that were traded midseason can get rings if the organization so decides. An example of this, this year, was Bengie Molina, even though he played on the losing team, Texas, because he was on the Giants earlier this year, so he got a ring.
a lot... I would venture to say over 75%
At last 181 of the 1197 counted came from the state of Texas. Of the 1197 players 694 of them come from Southern states as well. The South is the primary hotbed for High School, College, and Pro football.
The University of Texas
67.67(rep)% of players are from Nebraska this season. Others are from Kansas, Missouri, Texas and California.
Corsicana High School
For the 2009 season, that is the University of Miami with 40 players that have played in at least 1 game during the season. LSU is second with 38 and the University of Texas is third with 37.
tommie harris
Texas hold me poker is played with not more than 9-10 players.
Florida, Texas, California, Virginia, Alabama
The Denver Brocos with 32 players from Texas on its 2013 roster
Two Major League Baseball players, Mario Ramos and Nate Minchey, graduated from Pflugerville High School.
It iis Friday night in Texas, a great percentage of the state is going to see a high school football game, tell me please, what are some of the really great high school football teams in this great state, a cradle of the game?