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Russian Revolution can refer to the following events in the history of Russia:

The Russian Revolution of 1905, which was a series of riots and anti-government violence against Tsar Nicholas II.

The Russian Revolution of 1917, which included the February Revolution resulting in the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia and the October Revolution, which was the Bolshevik revolt.

The Third Russian Revolution, which was the failed anarchist revolution against the Bolsheviks that started in 1918. It was suppressed along with the White Movement by 1922.

When the year is not indicated in the reference, the term "Russian Revolution", if used as a time mark, usually refers to the October Revolution of 1917, whereas references to the revolution of 1905 always mention the year and references to the February Revolution always mention the month.

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14y ago

The Bolshevik Revolution is the October 1917 Revolution in Russia. In 1917 there were two revolutions. The first was the February Revolution in which Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown and a Provisional Government was put up in place of the Tsarist government. The Provisional Government was not a Marxist/Communist government. The second was the October Revolution in which Lenin and his Bolshevik Part followers overthrew the weak Provisional Government and imposed a Marxist government in Russia. The October Revolution is called the Bolshevik Revolution because that is when the Bolsheviks, later to be known as the Communist Party, took control of the country.

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13y ago

The Tsar was very bad and thought that he was appointed by God.

The Russian revolution was a cruel, bloody takeover of the Russian empire by radical socialists known as "Bolsheviks" led by Vladimir Lenin who then went on to establish the Soviet Union which claimed to be for the people but was in fact quite the opposite.

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17y ago

The Revolution of Russia occured in 1917 by a group known as the Bolsheviks (Bol-she-vik). They were a group of Russians who wanted change, throwing out the reigning czar. This is sometimes known as the October Revolution because it happened in October of 1917. To this date, two islands north of mainland Siberia are called Bolshevik and October Revolution.

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12y ago

Its is a revolution that happened in russia and all of the social classes were in and everyone was affected in it. It was a thing where russia dropped out of the alliancce to make peace with Germany

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9y ago

The Bolshevik Revolution is also known as the October Revolution of 1917. There had been a revolution in February 1917, but that just eliminated the Tsar in favor of a provisional government. In October, Lenin and his Bolsheviks swept in and took control of the provisional government in St. Petersburg, giving the Bolsheviks effective control of the government.

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11y ago

There were two revolutions in Russia in the early 20th century1905 and 1917

1905 - Mass unrest and discontent in Russia led to Tsar Nicholas II disclaiming his absolute autocratic power by introducing Dumas in the October Manifesto. After 4 Dumas proved unsuccessful the Tsar regained his power until 1917, when the Bolsheviks (left wing political party) overthrew the Tsar and then murdered the last of the Romanov's in July 1918. Their dynasty ended thus leaving Russia in Communism.

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2y ago

A coup in which the Nolsheviks establ;ished a state capitalist Dictatorship.

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When did the Russian Revolution occur?

The "Russian Revolution" that everyone is familiar with occurred in 1917. It consisted of two separate rebolutions, the February Revolution and the October Revolution.

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The "October Revolution" is another name, but not a 'nickname' of the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, the October Revolution has come to be the preferred, perhaps even formal, historical name for the event in order to distinguish the Bolshevik Revolution from the one that occurred in February (Russian calendar) which has come to be known as the February Revolution.

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The Russian Revolutions all occurred in the first twenty years of the 20th century.

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The Russian Revolution was actually a series of revolutions. The first of these occurred in 1917 and they lasted through 1918.

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The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917. There were actually two revolutions, the February Revolution, when the Tsar was overthrown and the October Revolution, when Lenin and his Bolsheviks/Communists took over.

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The Russian Revolution was in 1917. The movie Dr Zhivago starts in 1913 right before World War I (1914 to 1918) continues throughout the Russian Revolution which occurred in 1917. It then ends sometime in the Stalinist Era which lasted from 1927 to 1953.

What was an important cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917-?

The Russian Revolution" is well-known to many people. But how many of you know there were actually 2 revolutions? Not many. "2 revolutions???" you may ask. Yes, there were indeed two revolutions. For simplicity's sake we shall call the first one the Russian Revolution and the second the Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Revolution occurred in February of 1917 while the Bolshevik Revolution occurred just 8 months after, in October. To be able to analyse these two revolutions we must understand the causes of these revolutions first.

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All of this occurred in 1917.

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The "first part" of the Russian Revolution refers to the first of two revolution that occurred in 1917. The first one, known as the February Revolution, began on February 22, 1917 (Russian Old Style date; March 2 New Style) and ended on March 2, 1917 (Russian Old Style date: March 15 New Style) when the Tsar abdicated.