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Q: What must she score to during game 6 to have a mean of 12 points per game?
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How can 1 man score 50 points in a basketball game and not foul out?

Just because you score doesn't mean you foul. You can score 75 points and never commit a foul. It is unlikely but it can happen.

What does a person mean when they ask you how many points you scored in a basketball game?

It is a simple question regarding a basketball asking about the number of baskets you score in the game.

How many sports can you get 6 points in?

well if you mean when you score you get 6 points only football but you can probably get 6 points in almost every game if you keep it staking up so their is your answer not certain

What does the phrase 'Pass the pigs' mean?

"Pass the Pig" is a party game that includes a set of model pigs. The purpose of the game is to be the first person to score the designated number of points. Points are scored based on the position of the model pigs.

What does shaving points mean in NFL?

In simple terms it means rigging the points on the score board

What does throwing the game mean?

Throwing the game means to lose the game, or score fewer points, on purpose. It is most often done in association with betting, to increase the earnings.

What if you have a mean standardized score of 1500 points with a standard deviation of 150 points this data is normally distributed What is the z score of 1650?

The z score is (1650-1500)/150 = 150/150 = 1

In table tennis what does one player have to score to win the game?

It depends on what game you mean - football, soccer, basketball? Generally speaking, to score in any game, you first need to know the rules of that game. Second, you need to practice a lot. And third, watch how others score points and use their tricks and approaches; mimic their moves.

Who was the first person to score 100 points in a regulation nba game?

If you mean exactly 70 points, then that would be Wilt Chaimberlain, the only NBA player to ever score exactly 70 points in an NBA game. He did so on March 10, 1963 against the Los Angeles Lakers. If you mean 70 points or more, then that would be Elgin Baylor, who scored 71 points on November 15, 1960, against the New York Knicks.

What does HP mean in the game stick rpg mean?

Hit Points or heath points

What does 'ppg' mean in basketball?

I believe it means points per game. points per game

Juan scored 5 points higher on his midterm and 13 points higher on his final than he did on his first exam. If his mean score was 90 what was his score on the first exam?

36 :D