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Q: What make is the stigs helmet?
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Who are the 9 stigs?

there arnt 9 stigs there is only one but there has been nine of them

What is the stigs name?

the stig is former race car driver and stuntman BEN COLLINS

What is 'The Stigs' identity?

The stig is a silly billy and so are you.

What is STIGs?

Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) Configuration Standards for Department of Defense (DoD) Information Assurance (IA)

Is the Stig one person or more?

There have been several Stigs

What does STIGS stand for?

Scan Think Ignore Guess Search

How many sub zero stigs are there in the world?

one million

How do you make a helmet cover?

to make the cover of a helmet i mould metal and then get the kids to color it in

Where is the dunsfold map in stigs challenge?

down south, star away mexicans

Who is the Stigs real name from topgear?

Apparently it is Ben Collins, a stunt driver.

Did the old stig of Top Gear die?

No, so far none of the Stigs have died

Who Are the stigs?

there are 9 stigs 2 my knoledge Ben CollinsMitchel Georges Harry JonesJames Mclaughlin Giovainni Leach Jake HolmesJohn Baker Thomas Ogley and Edward Jonesthere ar 2 ben Collins and some macarthy guy