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Q: What major operation did Trevor Hoffman have when he was six weeks old?
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Continue Learning about General History

What time of the day did the Persian gulf war happen?

Operation Desert Storm started in the middle of the night, but hostilities continued for several weeks and happened at all hours of the day and night.

What year did Major league baseball go on strike?

The players have gone on strike or been locked out in 1972, 1981, and 1994. The 1994 strike lasted into the first three weeks of the 1995 season.

What is the isolation period for pertussis?

In the absence of treatment the isolation period is 3- 6 weeks NOT months.In the presence of treatment it is only 5 days from initiation of treatment.The major problem is its communacability and it leads to failure to thrive.

When did Italy invade Greece?

The Allied invasion of Sicily, codenamed Operation Husky, was a large scale amphibious and airborne operation followed by six weeks of land combat. It was the first step in the Italian Campaign. Husky began on the night of 9-10 July 1943. The campaign in Sicily ended a few weeks later on 17 August. The Allies continued their advance by landing the British 8th Army on the "toe" of Italy and the American 5th Army at Salerno (Operation Avalanche).Previous to the invasion of Sicily was the North African Campaign. This campaign ended on 7 May 1943, when British armour entered Tunis, and American infantry from II Corps which had continued its advance in the north, entered Bizerte. Six days later the last Axis resistance in Africa ended with the surrender of over 230,000 prisoners of war.

What was the date 174 weeks ago?

What was the month 174 weeks ago

Related questions

What surgery did Trevor Hoffman have at 6 weeks old?

He had a damaged kidney removed when he was about six weeks old.

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He had a major knee operation 6 weeks ago

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Women may start menstruating Seven to nine weeks after caesarean operation.

Is it normal to be overly tired for a few weeks after having general anesthesia?

Yes. You've got chemicals floating around your body that were meant to knock it out completely. Plus you had a major operation, and your body is recovering from that, too.

Is their pain after the female heria operation?

i had this op 3 weeks ago and yes it is painful . you need 6 to 8 weeks rest

When did operation husky occur?

The cause of Operation Husky was to reclaim Sicily from Italy and Nazi Germany. Operation Husky was a large scale amphibious and airborne operation, followed by six weeks of land combat.

Can i play cricket after hernia operation?

yes, its possible after recovery from hernia in 6 weeks. No problem, go for it.

How long are you off work with a hernia operation?

About 4-5 weeks if your work involves heavy lifting

How much time away from work after cubital tunnel surgery?

it takes about 6 weeks to recover from this operation

How do you 25 kg in 2 weeks?

it would kill you to loose that weight without an operation like liposuction

What was the battle of palmito ranch?

1865 - a few weeks after Appomattox. It is taken as the last operation (but not classified as a battle).

Can you blow your nose after septoplasty?

Typically your doctor will tell you when it's ok, and it's normally 1-2 weeks after the operation. Speak to your doctor. I had to wait two weeks before I was allowed to, and I'm two-and-a-half months post operation and still blowing garbage out. Good luck!