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[1] Professional Baseball only allows wooden bats. They tend to be made of ash, particularly the white ash of Pennsylvania. But other woods such as bamboo, hickory, and maple have been allowed. Unfortunately, hickory's heavy, and maple tends to shatter. [2] Amateur baseball allows wood and metall alloy bats.

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15y ago

It depends on the company. For instance, Louisville Slugger has its own wood production company, but also outsources with a few different timber companies, most of them in the New York/Pennsylvania area. Holman uses a company out of the Catskills, which he says produces better quality maple.


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9y ago

I believe they used to be made of ash.

Previous is correct, and is the traditional wood that is used ... however Maple is also being used lately. Birch is also used.

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15y ago

depends on the bat. i have one that is made of Carbon Nanotube

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14y ago

The first pro bat was made of white ash.

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Q: What kind of wood is a baseball bat made of?
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What was the first baseball bat made out of?

the first baseball bat was made out of wood

How is a baseball bat made?

Bats are usually made of 60-year-old ash trees from northern white which is split. Then the bat, or you can say the wood, is made into a square. After that they make it round to make the shape of the bat. After the wood is cut down into smaller pieces of wood, called billets, it is put onto a machine called a lathe. This turns the wood at a very high speed so a skilled woodworker can use chisels to carve out the shape of the bat. After testing for weight and proper size, it is varnished and sent to the player or the stores.

History of the baseball bat?

The baseball bat is made out of strong aluminum metal or maple wood. The baseball bat was designed to have a handle bar and a sweet spot. In an aluminum bat, it has electric tape, so when you hit it good or bad it won't sting as much. People came up with batting gloves to prevent stinginess with any bat. That's the history of a baseball bat.

Which baseball bat will make the ball go the farthest a wooden bat or an Aluminum bat?

AnswerAluminum definitely. Compared to wood, metal is able to more easily compress then regain it's shape. This trampoline effect is what causes the ball to come off the bat more quickly.

What is the lightest type of wood baseball bat?

The lightest type of wooden bat i have used has been Ash, it is very durable, light and has a good pop to it.

Related questions

What was the first baseball bat made out of?

the first baseball bat was made out of wood

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What kind of wood bat was used in Major League Baseball?

There is Maple, Ash wood (best wood), and there is core wood.

What is the core of a big barrel baseball bat?

The core of a baseball bat depends solely on whether it is a wood or aluminum bat. The wood bat is made of one piece of wood cut to specific measurements. Aluminum bats are hollow shells of metal. Love the Akadema bbcor Apocalypse bats and wood bat series both are made in the USA.

What is inside if a baseball bat?

Depends if its made out of metal or wood stupid.

When was the wood baseball bat made?

When they found out that granite bats were too heavy.

What sport that uses a louisville lever made of wood?

Baseball. Assuming a "louisville lever made of wood" refers to the famous wooden Louisville Slugger baseball bat.

What is the piece of equipment used in baseball made of wood?


What is the piece of equipment used in the baseball made of wood?


Is a baseball bat made out of pine tree?

Decorative bats can be made of any type wood, but most bats today are made from ash.

What wood is the cricket bat made of?

The bat is made of two different pieces attached together blade of the bat is made with willow wood and the handle of the bat is made of cane.

What wood is the cricket bat made?

The bat is made of two different pieces attached together blade of the bat is made with willow wood and the handle of the bat is made of cane.