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90.7 kg or 90,718 g

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Q: What is the weight of a 200lb football player in g and kg?
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Who is the heaviest football player?

Zlatan Ibramimovic 100 kg

What is the lethal inhalation dose of sarin for a 200lb person?

I believe is 1.36 x 10-4 mg/kg

The mean weight of a football team is 115 kg. if two new recruits weighing 125 kg and 130 kg joind the squad of 18 players what is the new mean weight of the squad?

I think it might b 123.3 (3 repeating)

What is more difficult to stop a 100 kg football player running 2 ms or a 75 kg player running 3 ms?

e=mc^2 100*2^2 < 75*3^2 Answer = 75 KG player running at 3 ms

How much weight a chess player losses during a match?

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A 40-kg football player going through the air at 4 m s tackles a 60 kg player who is heading towards her at 3 m s in the air What is the speed and direction of the entangled players?

Gfm jytfdd

The average weight of 8 men is increased by 1.5 kg when one of them who weighs 65 kg is replaced by a new man The weight of the new man is?

The total weight of the 8 men increased by 1.5 kg when the man weighing 65 kg was replaced by the new man. Therefore, the weight of the new man is 65 kg + 1.5 kg, which equals 66.5 kg.

Why Is it harder to stop a heavy football player rushing the ball than it is to stop a lighter one?

Because the heavier football player has a much higher momentum which is product of mass and velocity. To cancel the momentum of a heavier football player one must achieve the same momentum at impact. A lighter player can only do that by increasing his velocity.Momentum = mass x velocityIf a football player weighed 100 Kg and was traveling at 5 m/s (11 miles per hour). A 50 Kg person would have to impact the heavier football player at a speed of 10 m/s (22 miles per hour) to cancel the inertia of the heavier football player.As the heavier football player goes faster it becomes increasingly difficult to stop them. You can also take several lighter players by combining their mass to stop the forward momentum of the heavier football player.

What is a 250 kg Japanese sumo wrestlers weight?

250 kg is the weight.

A tin of cheese weighs 7kg what is the weight of 9 kg?

The weight of 9 kg is 9 kg.

The average a b and c is 70 kg but the weight of a and b is 90 kg what is the weight of c?

The average a b and c is 70 kg but the weight of a and b is 90 kg what is the weight of c?data insuffici ent dude