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What is the vaule of an official ty cobb bat 1909?

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Q: What is the value of a official ty cobb bat 1909?
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Where can you find information on the first official Ty Cobb brand baseball bat?

In 1905 Honus Wagner, a star for the Pittsburgh Pirates, signed a contract with Hillerich & Bradsby co. and became the first player ever to endorse a bat. His autograph was also the first to be used on a bat and the first known professional athlete endorsement of a retail product. Ty Cobb signed with the company in 1908. Referring to your question official Ty Cobb brand baseball bat, I take it you mean Ty Cobb endorsed bat. I am not familiar with a Ty Cobb brand Baseball bat. If this is in fact what you are writing about please get back to me with more on what info you have.

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Ty Cobb's last at bat was on September 11, 1928 against the Yankees. He popped out to the third baseman.

What is the value of a thirty-four inch Ty Cobb signature Louisville slugger bat 125 model with C28 stamped on the nob and with Iona College under Cobb's name?

six hunderd dollars

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MLB player Alex Cobb bats right.

When was Canut's Horseshoe Bat created?

Canut's Horseshoe Bat was created in 1909.

What is the value of a thirty-three inch Ty Cobb signature Lousville slugger bat with the number 40-1C?

Do you mean with the number 40-T.C.? The 40 model is a retail store model designation, and the T.C. stands for Ty Cobb. Other markings on the Bat are also important in dating the bat. Condition is everything. Your Bat has tape on the handle, which can also mean its cracked, or just added on for use. Depending on condition, and age the bat can sell anywhere between $25.00 $200.00 Or if it is in excellent - Near Mint condition as high as $1,000 I will include links below to a Ty Cobb 40 T.C. baseball Bat, and a page on helping you determine the age of the bat. In 1905 Honus Wagner, a star for the Pittsburgh Pirates, signed a contract with Hillerich & Bradsby co. and became the first player ever to endorse a bat. His autograph was also the first to be used on a bat and the first known professional athlete endorsement of a retail product. Ty Cobb signed with the company in 1908.

When was Halmahera Naked-backed Fruit Bat created?

Halmahera Naked-backed Fruit Bat was created in 1909.

Who manufactures the Louisville Slugger Official Cork Bat?

There actually isn't an official cork bat. Cork bats are illegal.

What is the value of a 1916-1920's 40 TC bat?

The model 40 was the secondary line of autograph models offered by Louisville Slugger. The T.C. Following the number 40 stands for Ty Cobb. A Hillerich & Bradsby co. Ty Cobb Model 40 store model baseball Bat from the labeling period 1916 -1929 is worth between $800 - $1,500. in excellent to near/mint condition. In 1905 Honus Wagner, a star for the Pittsburgh Pirates, signed a contract with Hillerich & Bradsby co. and became the first player ever to endorse a bat. His autograph was also the first to be used on a bat and the first known professional athlete endorsement of a retail product. Ty Cobb signed with the company in 1908. Below I will leave a link to a Ty Cobb Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat from the 1916-1929 labeling period complete with price guide, and pictures. I will also leave a link to help date your Louisville Slugger Baseball bat.

What is the value of a Ty Cobb Hillerich and Bradsby Louisville Slugger model 250 bat - Oval brand dates between 1916 and 1929?

Louisville Slugger 250 Ty Cobb 1916-1929 baseball batThe 250 designation was applied to the model of bats offered by Louisville Slugger that for a time was the highest price bat in their lineup selling for more money then their pro model 125 signature series. A full size Hillerich and Bradsby Louisville Slugger 250 Ty Cobb baseball bat from the 1916-1929 labeling period is worth about $800.00 - $1,500.00 in excellent - Near Mint condition.