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Q: What is the thing that people held for the long jump in the ancient Olympics called?
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What is the link between the first ancient Olympics and the first modern Olympics?

well they both are about the same thing you compete and earn something if your the best.

How has the ancient Olympics influnced the modern Olympics?

The Greek Olympics were similar to our modern Olympics in the sense that people belonging to every nationality would have the chance to come togethor for a short period of time and take part in a little friendly competition. It was meant to show to all Greeks that through their mutual appreciation of athleticism, they were culturally unified. In a way it was a diplomatic gesture the same way it is today, because it showed that very distinct groups of people could find one thing in common which they could all hold respect for.

What did ancient china people wear?

Heavy thing

What is The belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled?

Daoism or Taoism. They are both same thing they just are called differently sometimes. Now it is called Taoism but in ancient China it was called Daoism.

What was the thing people hung people on called?

The thing people used to hang others on was called a gallows.

How did rich people live in ancient Rome?

The rich people in ancient Rome lived in big houses.If a rich person were to live in the country he/she would most likely live in a villa,which is a big estates. In the center of the house there was a thing called atrium. This was a courtyard.

What goods did people from ancient India have?

they give thing we don't have today

Is there such thing as a summer Olympics?

yes! there was the 2008 summer Olympics

Who won the 2008 winter Olympics?

there was no 2008 winter Olympics. There was a 2008 SUMMER Olympics but not winter. There were a bunch of different people that won different medals in different sports in the summer '08 Olympics, not just one person winning the whole thing.

What are some sports that people normally play for fun in Greece?

It may not be the funnest thing, but Greece invented the Olympics. They invented many different sports included in the Olympics.

Is there such thing as a phobia of ancient ruins?

Yes, the phobia of ancient ruins or old buildings is real. The phobia of ruins is called Atephobia.

What did most people in ancient china do for living?

they was farming because they did not have any thing to do