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Q: What is the site in Moscow where Lenin's body lies in a mausoleum where thousands of people visit every year called?
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Where is the key in zombie farm?

The Key to the mausoleum is only awarded if you win invasions. They are called fragments. When you get 3 fragments you can build the key and open the mausoleum

Is there a country in Africa called moscow?

No, Moscow is the capital of Russia.

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What is a native of Moscow called?

Someone from Moscow, Russia is known as a Muscovite.

Where is the Mausoleum of shahjahan situated?

It is called Taj Mahal situated in Agra, India

What was the name given to lenins economic policy to restore order to russia?

Lenin's plan was called the "New Economic Policy."

Is a large tomb in ancient Greece called a caravan or a mausoleum?

Some of them are Tholos tombs. You know what a caravan is. The mausoleum (mausolleion) was the tomb of King Mausollos. Later large tombs could have that name.

What are people from mascow called?

Natives of Moscow are called Muscovites

What was Moscow called before it was called Moscow?

Moscow, called Moskva in Russia, has pretty much always been called that. It is named for the river that it is located on, the Moskva River, originally "Grad Moskov" the city by the Moskva River. In ancient times it was the capital of the Grand Duchy of Muscovy.

What do you call to the tomb of a royal family?

The place where famous people/ royalty are buried is called a mausoleum

Who is the mayor of moscow?

Moscow is a city and is the capital of Russia. The president of Russia is currently Dmitri Medvedev. Moscow's mayor is Yuri Luzhkov. There is also a district called Moscow Oblast, which is similar to a state in the USA. The governor of Moscow Oblast is Boris Gromov.

What is the name of a very expensive and elaborately built tomb?

It is called a mausoleum ( maw-zuh-LEE-yum).