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The Bolsheviks overthrew the government in a coup d'etat in the Bolshevik Revolution.

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I think it's because they made Russia a communist state.

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Q: What is the significance of the Bolsheviks and the Russians?
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Why did the Russians support the Bolsheviks?

Some Russians supported the Bolshviks because they felt they offered a chance to escape the miserable living conditons imposed by the tsarist regime.

What was the significance of White Russians during the Russian Revolution?

They were the army of the Czar. (The King).

How and why did the Communist Revolution occur?

The Bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin wanted to overthrow the government because a lot of Russians were killed in World War I and Russia had social and economic problems.

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During the Russian Civil War the US and other Western powers sent expeditionary forces into Russia to help those that were fighting the Bolsheviks, the white Russians, through equipment, training and manpower.

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In George Orwell's "Animal Farm" the Bolsheviks are represented by the pigs.

Did Coolidge lead the Bolsheviks?

No, Calvin Coolidge did not lead the Bolsheviks. Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks.

What were the Bolsheviks considered?

The Bolsheviks were radical Marxist revolutionaries.

What are the two sides to the Russian revolution and what were their colors?

The 1917 Russian Revolution was made up of the February Revolution, in which Czar Nicholas II was deposed and the Czarist regime overthrown, and the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government, took power in their own name and eventually changed their name to Communists. There was also a revolution in 1905, which accomplished little more than establishment of the Russian Duma, a weak parliamentary style governing body. Czar Nicholas retained most power in government.

What happened to the Bolsheviks?

The Bolsheviks became the Communist Party in March 1918.

Who were Russian revolutionaries who took control of the government in November 1917 and pledged to make peace with Germany?

Bolsheviks, who took over in the Russian October Revolution of 1917. a very bad group indeed. Bolsheviks Bolsheviks Bolsheviks Bolsheviks

What was the enemy in World War I?

This can be answered in any number of ways because the answer depends on which side you consider "friendly". Russians, Communists, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Germans, Austrians, Japanese, French, Belgiums, English, Australians, Canadians etc.

What is the historical significance of Montmartre Paris?

The historical significance of Monmartre Paris dates from the ancient times. In prehistoric times, druids used it as a holy place. In the nineteenth century, Russians occupied Monmartre in the course of The Battle of Paris.