i dont think so...duke has never really put out any good quality nba players no duke player has been succcesful in my opininonThere is no Pro Basketball or NBA Hall of Fame. The Basketball Hall of Fame is littered with players you have never heard of who never played in the NBA. Women players, foreign players, college players, all end up in the same hall of fame.
So they can grip the court.
Some small forwards are 6' 9" but mainly power forward and centers are. So I would say there is an estimate of about eighty players.
You need to be tall, have a lot of stamina in running so I think it is quite hard
The number of players in the NBA varies each year. Each team can carry a maximum of 15 players. But, they can carry as few as 12. So, each year the number of players range anywhere from 360 to 450 since there are 30 teams in the league, so about 500 players.
The NBA is about 90% black so to name all the black NBA players would be nearly impossible.
NBA players make more money than NFL players because in the NBA there are more games and the more games you play the more money you make. So that is why the NBA players make more money than the NFL players.
i dont think so...duke has never really put out any good quality nba players no duke player has been succcesful in my opininonThere is no Pro Basketball or NBA Hall of Fame. The Basketball Hall of Fame is littered with players you have never heard of who never played in the NBA. Women players, foreign players, college players, all end up in the same hall of fame.
So they can grip the court.
Jason Terry is listed at 6'2". I'm 6'6" and he didn't even come up to my eyes when i saw him in person at a mavericks game in Boston. I would say he is about 6'0 tall realistically and about 5'11" barefoot. The NBA over lists players by about 2" on average, so if i was in the NBA, I would probably be listed as 6'7" or 6'8".
No, anyone can join the NBA, the shortest person ever to join the NBA was 5'3 so yeah if your at least that tall your fine.
They are usually as tall as the united states are!! Really all professional women volleyball players have to be tall! So they are all the same!
They have some good players this year, so there is a chance.
there straight people in the NBA. So there's gay people.
He was great in China and was really tall, so he caught the NBA's attention.
They Keep it secret, so no-one knows.
The Cap increases/decreases depending on the revenue the NBA makes, so they actually get paid according to the revenue they generate.