The origin of the St. Louis Cardinals mascot dates back to the 1920's. As a professional Baseball team, the Cardinals name and mascot were based on the birds of the same name. These birds were synonymous with the color red, and were in large numbers in the greater St. Louis area.
630 feet tall, and rests on two 60 foot foundations.
There is no mascot.
Yale University was the first to acquire a mascot. The official mascot was a bulldog and this was established in 1889.
sPlayer BB for StLouis Cardinals,years ago...
The St. Louis Cardinals which are now in Arizona and began in Chicago.
Big Red (a cardinal)
The mascot for the St. Louis Cardinals
They were known as the Cardinals.
Stanford is wrong. It is the Stanford Cardinal, referring to a deep red color. Their mascot is a tree, depicting the Redwood native to the region. The Louisville Cardinals are likely the most popular with the cardinal bird as a mascot.
What is the congressional disrict of stlouis missouri?
st.louis is in missouri.
I finally found it! St.Louis by Murphy Lee off of the album You See Me-Ep